HI Hedgehog Champions

Will be holding STALLS at the following events.  Come and see how the Village Map of hedgehog sightings is progressing, or find out how to become a Hedgehog Street champion and help extend the village super highway.  Of course, we also love hearing about the hedgehogs in local gardens and are always happy to give advise.

  • HI Open Gardens - Sunday 16th June, 12noon to 6pm, 1 Macfarlane Close, Impinton.  
  • Histon Feast - Saturday 6th July, 9.30am to 12.30pm, Histon Green.
  • HI Community Orchards Breakfast - Sunday 7th July. 

Film Screening- Six Inches of Soil

Thurs 4th July, 7pm – 10pm

St Andrew’s Centre, School Hill, Histon. CB249JE

Please join us for this Histon and Impington Feast Week event.  A free screening and panel discussion, of the hugely popular film ‘Six Inches of Soil’. A film that’s sold-out cinemas all over the UK.

Many of us don’t give much thought to soil, beyond it being something we might pick up from the garden centre or a substance that gets stuck to the bottom of our boots! Yet a mere six inches of soil feeds 8 billion people and is one of the most valuable resources on the planet. Despite this, we are degrading it without even realising it.

Histon and Impington Sustainability Group, St Andrew's Eco Church and Cambridge Carbon Footprint invite you to meet farmers who are working with nature. One of these is Adrienne, who went to HIJS and Impington Village College and she’s thrilled to be joining us for the post-event Q&A and panel.

So - why a film about soil and farming?

Six Inches of Soil is a British independent full feature documentary telling the inspiring story of young British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food - to heal the soil, our health and provide for local communities. The aims of the film are to sound the alarm on a broken system, but to also give hope that there is a way to fix it; to inspire farmers to adopt agroecological and regenerative farming practices; and to encourage consumers, food corporations and policymakers to support their efforts.

Half the food we eat in the UK is produced by about 180,000 farmers, who manage 70% of our land.

This film shares the wisdom and solutions of a growing movement of people who are dedicated to changing the trajectory for food, farming and the planet.

 The event is free but we would be grateful for donations. Refreshments will be served at the start of the evening. Book your tickets via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/six-inches-of-soil-feature-length-documentary-and-panel-discussion-tickets-904087880187 (no more than 4 per transaction please). If you have any questions please email histonsustainability@gmail.com

SWISH 2024

Save the Date - Saturday 2nd November - St Andrew's Centre, Histon.

EVENTS 2023:

Histon Swish

4 November 2023. The whole of the St Andrew's Centre was taken over by a mega Swish.  Impington Youth Eco Council took over hall 2, and hall 1 was full to bursting with adults clothing, accessories an shoes..  

Histon and Impington Eco Fest + 30 Day challenge

Saturday 10th June, 2023.   HI Sustainability partnered with HI Parish Council, HI St Andrews’ Churches Histon and Impington, Histon Baptist Church and Cambridge Carbon Footprint to run an ‘Eco Fest’ for 2023, It launched with a day of stalls, activities and speakers to inspire and inform the public of both small and significant actions that they could take to tackle the climate crisis and biodiversity loss. 30 days of action followed through June and into early July, partly coinciding with The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild nature challenge.   



"Becoming a climate positive business" - Peter Gilheany Peter is Director of Forster Communications, a company voted the Sunday Times’ Best Green Company and their Climate Positive Plan was the 2023 winner of this year’s Sustainability Initiative in the Management Today Business Leadership Awards. 

"Why do Christians Care About Climate Change?" Canon Dr Hilary Marlow from the University of Cambridge and A Rocha gave a talk on the Christian response to climate change. 

HI Open Eco Homes Tours

1st July 2023 -   Eco Home owners hosted in person tours of their homes to showcase some of the changes that can be made to provide greater energy efficiency, lower your carbon footprint and make a significant dent in bills. Visitors were able to see real examples of improved insulation, solar panels, home batteries and heat pumps. 

  • Narrow Lane property: Retrofit 1980's with some improved insulation, solar panels, house battery and air source heat pump.
  • MacFarlane Close: 1960's full house retrofit with MVHR for a healthy home with no mould, solar PV and hot water, house battery, electric car charging on solar, improved insulation, managed solar gain windows.
Waterbeach Waste Discovery Guided Tour

The two hour tour and talk took visitors through the recycling process of house waste .  An hour long recycling workshop was included and participants learned about what we can all do to reduce, reuse, repair and recycle it.  

Weeding and mulching at the HI Trees Wood

HI Trees ran a weeding and mulchin session, for the village trees planted in front of the Holiday Inn in 2021.   These trees will help offset CO2 emissions. 

30 days in Nature Eco Fest 30 Day Challenge Online

Abbey Fields provided tips and inspiration to help all of us ‘do something with nature each day for 30 days’.

Environmental Reading Month at Histon Library

Histon Library shone the green spotlight on environmental themes with displays and recommendations,

Histon Plants - Loving Pollinators and Peat Free

Histon Plants made a special offer of specifically tailored ‘pollinator friendly plant pack’, and peat free compost .

Green Blue You - Ditch the Plastic Challenge

Green Blue You, a local company that helps consumers, business and local communities choose more eco-friendly products,  challenged people to buy no new plastic bottles for a month. As an incentive, they offered a 10% off refills code.



January vegan Feast

December I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas, Beeswax Wrap , reusable crackers, recycled wrapping and more...

November Eco-Fun Fest

October Hi Sustainability Social

October Histon and Impington's first Swish (clothes swap party).

July New Members Evening

June HIYEC Meeting

June Bird in Hand Breakfast

May Extinction Rebellion Talk 

May Wellbeing Trail, Celebrating Our Green Spaces. 17 activities over 8 locations

April Sustainability Social April visit to Amey Recycling Centre 

March Family Foraging and Wild Cooking Workshop, foraging and cooking with a local expert

January Vegan Feast. Delicious vegan food and a chance to chat to the chef to find out how it was made  

January HI Sustainability Social An event with a theme of up-cycling, buying second-hand and recycling

October HI Community Allotment Halloween Social

October Talk With Peter Gilheany-Influencing the Decision Makers

October Sustainability Social, Celebrating our Green Spaces

July Sustainability Social in the Orchard

June Short Films, drinks, nibbles and chat

May Sustainability Social

Sustainability Brunch

Demain Film Screening

From HI to the High Seas, plastics talk